I'm so sorry about Fern. Words just don't seem enough. xx
@Erisda I hope you've managed to solve Charlie's problem with his crate. How is it going ? Have you tried covering it with a sheet or blanket so...
I think in this case it was right to call shadow away as the boxer, from what you've said, wasn't particularly interested or giving off obvious...
Tori_lizzie setting up controlled situations is difficult when your dog is nervous of people as it's not exactly practical to ask a complete...
Mollly sorry Tina I've only just seen your thread. I don't know if you've seen any of my posts about my two but they are both very nervous of...
Such a lovely story Kate. A little boy should have a big black labrador to talk to. There's no better listener that's for sure. It is amazing at...
Camy I haven't had anyone to implement BAT with. I assume you mean doing the set up exercises. My main problem is with people not dogs so it...
How is Dex today Angela and how did you get on with the powers that be ?
Well done Dexter for dropping when told. It must've been so scary for you Angela but at least he dropped it before eating any. I don't know if the...
Well done Hattie ! What a wonderful thing for you and Hattie to do Helen. You will both brighten up so many peoples day when you start your...
Hi I have two nervous reactive labradors who are now no longer as nervous or reactive. I have used BAT as well as some other methods of counter...
Beanwood Thank you Kate for posting the link. I know of yumove as I use Lintbells Yumpro bio premium but I hadn't seen that article before.
I posted the recipe for golden paste as it was suggested by a vet not just random internet stuff. JulieT do you know if Green Lipid Muscle has...
My vet recommended turmeric for Ralph one of my family's rescue dogs. He's roughly 11 now and limps with his front leg. He injured it years ago...
Dave201 When a stranger is approaching with or without a dog try click, treat then change direction, cross the road or go up a driveway so the...
Hi I have two four year old male labs, brothers, Scott and Scout who have been scared and reactive towards strangers approaching them from about...
It is awful what people will do you wonder about the mentality of these people. I trained by dogs to wear basket muzzles foe going to the vet. My...
My two labradors are kennelled outside at night and during the day if I have to go out. We have a routine which has been the same since I brought...