Hi @Claire-louise although we are often told that a bitch has 2 heat cycles a year some don't or they have a 'silent heat, or there is a longer...
Certainly not motivational - mishandling pups just isn't acceptable and certainly grabbing a pups face as she did with Marlow is neither reward...
Numerous trainers I know have the first session for humans only and use the session to explain about positive reinforcement, the use of food in...
How to ruin a good cider :D:D:D
@JuliePenguin There is some really useful info on the MyKC, sometimes more so than others. Personally I wouldn't be too happy with 7.7% COI as...
Oh @Leanne82 I'm so, so sorry to hear of your appalling experience with that awful trainer. I would becasking for a full refund as you feel you...
Hi @JuliePenguin as far as I am aware there are no charts on risk of HD according to parental hip scores. You can have parents with 0/0 scores and...
Hi @JuliePenguin it's so exciting when planning to get a puppy, and scary too :) . A few of my thoughts and advice I give to clients :- The hip...
I would vote sweaty paw as well. If in any doubt pop a sock on another paw for smell comparison :)