Hi @Michelle there are certainly more and more owners home cooking for their dogs and as long as you create a balanced diet yoyr dog will be happy...
Which bit is untrue @Jo Laurens ? That a dog isn't an omnivore or that they can't be vegetarian/ vegan? That dogs are 'carnivore' is one of the...
Hi @Falcon sorry but 17 or 18 hours a day in a crate is unacceptable for any dog of any age, even allowing for 8hrs overnight leaves 7 to 8hrs per...
If your vet isn't worried I would tend not to worry. All digs grow at different rates - there is no 'average weekly gain', your dig gains what it...
A Dog is a member of the Class Mammalia and the Order Carnivore, as is the Cat. However, there the similarity ends - a cat is a true carnivore and...
A Dog is a member of the Class Mammalia and the order Carnivore, as is the Car. However, there the similarity ends - cat is a true carnivore and...
I've been using Bravecto with no problems for several years. It is also available as a spot on treatment rather than an oral medication.
Follow your instincts. If it doesn't feel right, it's probably not right for you. You might find this article helpful in finding a new trainer...
Hi @Alex hayes so sorry to hear of your girl's problems :( . It's so hard to advise as to what to expect in the coming weeks - so much depends...
Fingers crossed @mandyb that it's a side effect of the Gabapentin which will lessen overtime.
There is a 'sticky' thread with ideas for managing a dog on restricted exercise/crate rest which may help you. There are quite a few members who...
What people call 'champagne is in effect a dilute yellow. As @Stacia says it is not an official Lab colour and is due to a gene that dilutes...
You really need to refer back to your vet practice for confirmation. The time between the last vaccination and being allowed outside on the ground...
It is entirely possible to train with a marker word AND maintain the sound. It's just using a neutral tone of voice which can be learnt in much...
I onky recommend Perfect Fit https://www.dog-games-shop.co.uk/perfect-fit-fleece-dog-harness.html. as the harness comes in 3 separate ppieces it's...
Hi there @Ella . My understanding is that the breed of the dog should have no impact on the amount of dander. Dander, or flakes of dry...
That's good news @Tammy Cooke . So pleased that the appointment with the behaviourist had such a good outcome - even though you are all exhausted....
Hi @mandyb I don't have a 9yr old dog so don't have a direct comparator. That said I think all dogs age differently, in much the same way that we...
If you have a problem holding him, keeping him seated etc while you answer the door it is better to pop him behind a closed door/door gate until...
There really is no guide - it depends upon how much training effort you put in, reinforcement history with your pup and level of training around...