You can also shape the down by rewarding approximations of the down position. Once you have one position you wait for another little movement and...
Just went to PM someone and I seem to have lost the ability to send a PM. Help!!!
Your call of course but if all else has failed it can be along, and expensive, road back with professional help. Early intervention delivers...
A visit to your vet for a check up and chat would be a good idea and help you go forward with your dog. Although science so far hasn't...
Hi @Sarah-jayne Jeffery delaying neutering is a great choice as all the evidence is now pointing towards delayed or not at all as being the best...
@iconic1 beef is far worse for sensitivities/allergies than chicken. If you're not happy with chicken why not try one of the fish varieties that...
Hood that the vet was happy with the pad yesterday although it seems a bit strange if it seems more sore now :( . Do you know what he cut his paw...
I would be making an appointment with the vet. As @Beanwood says the fidgeting could be due to pain, as could the panting. Also if there is a...
Hi @Bill R you need professional help to try and improve your current situation. If you are in the USA I would have a look on this website for...
If your puppy is limping you need to take him to the vet to be examined for a diagnosis. No-one on the forum can say whether your pup has growing...
I think I would be phoning the vet for advice if he's hobbling a lot more as there could be an infection, which could also wxplain his reluctance...
You need to follow the feeding guidance from the manufacturer and by assessing your puppy's shape as to what is the correct amount. Be aware...
One of the best ways to help reduce the risk of bloat is to use slow feeders for all meals so the dog can't gulp down food. Then there is don't...
It's fun because she gets rewarded for making good choices - recalling to me - using various signals. The science that supports reward based...
I'm sorry but I'm still confused. How is a hand touch a complex chain. It really is no more complex than asking for a Sit. By having a variety of...
The tool is to blame. Pinch/prong/choke collars have one purpose to tighten around the dog's neck when it pulls. The tightening causes discomfort...
Most definitely No! Allowing a pup to become distressed will help her in deciding the crate is an awful place to be - particularly when there is...
Please explain what is and isn't a desirable recall chain as I fail to see what is undesirable about the behaviour. As do we all, but @Selena27...
Overfeeding would, most likely, produce soft poo on a daily basis :( . It may be worth running another series of stool tests just to confirm that...
Personally if you have no experience of a long line, which should only be used clipped to a harness, I would recommend the 5m as it is easier to...