Sorry but for me this is inappropriate play. I would be very cross if a strange dog after a few minutes of play pinned my dog down and started...
Well I guess, as a trainer/behaviourist, I don't agree with your trainer :) . You've already said that the pup has ignored Harley's growling,...
Best source of food is where you can research every food available in the UK. Recommendation can be good but what suits...
Start crate training now! Not before pup has to be left alone. Training starts by making the crate the best place to be, comfy and with great food...
I wouldn't put him outside, particularly if it's an area he associates with lots of fun. Ideally you just need to exclude him from the room for a...
I would remove puppy if at all possible, the idea being that he is the who's behaviour you're trying to modify. Once he is quiet he can return but...
@Bugs Why not discuss a Suprelorin implant with your vet rather than go straight for surgery? It would give a better idea on the effect on his...
Happy to try and answer any questions you have :)
@sabri.1996 Only let pup meet dogs that you know are friendly to puppies - you want only positive experiences for him. Also only let him meet...
I would leave a house line on pup and every time he starts barking at your older dog I would walk him away to another room. No interaction,...
Cat diseases are specific to cats and will not pass to dogs. About the o my exception is mange caused by a mite which can be transferred. If your...
Poor Charlie :( . Hope his face us all better know. There's a cat that lives on our morning walk route that all puffs itself up and starts...
I've never used a chiropractor for myself or my dog but have used a physiotherapist for myself and 2 canine hydrotherapists qualified for...
Please throw out any thoughts that Dexter is 'not respecting' your wife. It just isn't a canine way of thinking. Does your wide do any training...
Absolutely! You were up against a hugely exciting interaction with other dogs so you need to be more exciting, and have the very best treats...
Hi @cc and Charlie and welcome to the forum , even if it is because of elbow problems :( . My choccie girl first limped at 5.5 months old and we...
I use a Synoquin tablet each day together with 15ml of Salmon oil :)
It's great that your vet recommended a behaviourist, and a behaviourist really can help (as long as they only use positive reward based methods)....
Based upon that @Chewies_mum they should be doing the same with all large breed dogs as HD is a oroblem for all, more so in some than others. That...
At the end of the day it doesn't really matter what happened or how, you have to work with where your dog is now. A discussion with your vet...