Hopefully the vet will help get her better. Poor girl, sending hugs xx
I think it’s just the on and off sickness that’s made her consider it as a possibility. Apparently dogs that have a history of dietary...
I’ve just spoken to the vet. They said it’s a possibility that it is pancreatitis but right now she thinks it’s just an upset tummy. He had no...
Well as usual OH was useless and just got walked all over by the vet. He “can’t really remember” what they said and didn’t ring me. Honestly I’m...
We made it through the night with no more sick which is good. We had a little sleepover on the couch and he cuddled in really close all night so I...
I’ve been sick :( so mummy is sleeping on the couch with me tonight. I like sleepovers with mummy, we have cuddles :D Stanley
My friends patterdale who is tiny sneezed and head butted her in the mouth pushing her front 2 teeth right back. 2 root canals, a brace and 2...
He’s still not been sick any more so I’m taking it as a good sign. He went quite quiet for a little while but he seems a bit more lively again...
He’s still got his appetite which I’m taking as a good sign. He knows it’s tea time so OH is being stared at :D [ATTACH]
Oh no that looks terrifying! Hopefully she’s feeling better soon x
Thanks everyone :) hopefully once his tummy has settled he’ll start to feel better. He’s going to the vets first thing though, you always think...
I’d be shocked if it was an obstruction. His poo’s are normal and he still hasn’t been sick that much really. His stomach is soft and I can’t...
He really wants to eat grass. I’m not letting him but I don’t know if I should or not? I really wish the vets was open today :(
Oh he’s been sick in the day now :( that’s the first time. I’m getting really worried :oops:
I gave the vets a ring and they said they don’t think it’s an emergency as he’s still drinking so just to take him in tomorrow. They’ve said to...
No I’m very last minute so nothings any different. He does eat grass but he always does. I’m just going to have to keep a really close eye on him...
Oh Stanleys been sick again last night :( the night before he was a bit but it was just bile and when I asked OH he hadn’t given him any supper....
[ATTACH] This absolute nutter has now gone home! It’s always a pleasure having him for the day - the differences between terriers and Labradors...
[ATTACH] Today’s troublesome twosome :inlove: (Basil is also part of the reason why a Bodeguero terrifies me because he’s hard enough work :D)