I think that’s what my concern is, we’ve been lucky that there’s never been anything major but if there was I’m worried he wouldn’t cope. He...
You’re all bad BAD people :D We go to Morocco in a couple of weeks. While we’re away I’m going to really work on OH :oops:
Thanks everyone. It’s just really out of character for him because nothing else fazes him. I’ll definitely start popping in more, he’s completely...
Don’t! I’m already so tempted. I show OH every picture of him. :rolleyes:
Every time I see a picture of Paul I fall more in love with him. He’s so teeny :inlove:
http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-5682353/Phillip-Schofield-ELECTROCUTED-live-Morning-toying-electric-dog-collar.html Thank you...
Stanley used to love the vets, but ever since that horrible woman pinned him down and forced the injection into his neck he’s got quite a fear...
I too can see this from both sides, probably because I’ve been irritated by other dogs not being called back but I’ve also been the person with...
Tonight on my way home from work I saw a lurcher running free on the road. I stopped traffic and tried to catch it but it wouldn’t come to me :( I...
Poor Harley, I hope she’s feeling better soon x
I though Serial was OK. It was kind of like making a murderer if you’ve seen that. I struggled to get into both of those because I just thought...
Some of the ones on casefile are a bit basic and you’re rolling your eyes. But some of them are traumatising! And especially when they’re ones...
Same here. Even OH gave Stanley an extra cuddle x
Red make sure you know where all your balls are because I lost 2 when that happened to me! Stanley
You go, Coco!
I’m so so sorry. You were everything she needed right until the end. You’re a true dog mam hero in my eyes. Thinking of you all, and of course...
I gots fish and chips and iceeeeecream! Mummy says I’m a spoilt boy. I think I’m just living the life I should! Stanley
We’re going to the BEACH today. Oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach! I hope we get fishy and chippies and I get icecreeeeam! Stanley
It probably depends if you like crime things - I’m crime obsessed so I loved this series. It freaks OH out. He panicked this week when he...
I know we have a few podcast fans on the forum and wasn’t sure where else to put this. Does anyone listen to Casefile True Crime? The East Area...