My favourite time of year has started. BARRRBECUEEWWW TIME! I gots chikkin and sossij and some stake. Oh it was deeeelicious! Stanley
Hope they’re both feeling better soon x
[ATTACH] Just Barney :)
Happy birthday lovely Cassie :cake::tail:
[ATTACH] This is my face when I get to go to the pub in the sunshine and share mummy’s chippies Stanley
Oh piggy that sounds like SO much fun! Mini hoomins are so much better than the big ones. Look after your mummy. It sounds like she’s going to...
Such gorgeous boys :inlove: I’ve got to say.. while Carbon is gorgeous, Paul is the star of the show for me. He’s so so cute! I hope he gets his...
Oh I love Vizslas! They’re on my list too! Top of my list is Weimaraners! I adore them:inlove: I have heard they can be a bit of a handful though!
This thread has just reaffirmed by need for a dishwasher. I feel so basic :rolleyes:
Big Stan got BUFF this winter. Now he’s had a good moult you can see all of his muscles in his legs and my god.. he’s a hottie. Gunna have all...
To be honest, you’ve got to be grateful for small mercy’s. My friends Great Dane doesn’t even need to counter surf - his head is just above the...
Oh I’m so happy to see Carbon loving life! Can’t wait to see what adventures you and Kate have planned for him! X
I clean his bowl once a day after he’s had his tea :) Then I just rinse out his water bowl, I don’t think I’ve ever really washed it o_O
I’ve 100% given up trying to stop Stanley trying to counter surf. I’ve just accepted it’s his one negative. I just keep the counters clear...
I would agree with the above - long days at Doggy day care can be hard for small pups. It’s nice for them to be tired, but you don’t want them...
We mix it up with Stanley. Through the week he gets 3 45 minute walks. One on a morning, one at lunch and one on a night. On a weekend he...
Maybe an older dog would be a good idea? That way chances are they’ll already (likely) be toilet trained and have gotten past the chewing stage....
My mummy was doing that too Coco and she said she won. I don’t know how mummy won.. she didn’t do anything! Stanley
Hope Harley is feeling better soon :( xx
I made a really really stupid mistake last night :( Mummy was tired and wanted an early night but daddy was working late. So mummy said I could...