Re: Soft poo wasn't the chicken... worms? Worms is always a possibility, personaly I would take her along to the vet just to be sure.
Re: Stuffed kongs tuna & primlula WOW
Re: Puppy Recall Always take a HIGH value treat with you. Hotdogs cut up, dried spratts etc. This will help lots.
Re: What a change in just 6 months! Its like chanel no5 to them ;p
Re: How to train puppy to tell you when they need to go out? I am trying to train Bouncer to play the trombone when he needs to go. So far no luck.
Re: Rue is 20 weeks old today! (Pics) Charming
Re: Trying to post my first picture here of GUNNER!! he is charming, just all ears at the moment lovely
Re: A whole new world! Great photo's Reminds me of this [IMG] How do you cope with 2 of them?
Re: The 4 month mark has really been a turning point for us. lol, did you explain your Labrador addiction? ;)
Re: Bouncer at 14 weeks He sure is
Re: Gunner update 10 weeks and a beautiful boy Great stuff. pm me if you want to learn how to post photos
Re: The 4 month mark has really been a turning point for us. Great news, gives us bite'ies some hope.
Re: So proud [IMG]
Bouncer is 14 weeks old today so I thought I would share some pistures with you. oi oi [IMG] I will soon get over this thing [IMG] Ahh,...
Re: Food glorious food. Agreed, try that for a few days & monitor his poo, I bet you will find nice firm stools in a few days.
Re: Puppy Dry Food Advice I use as Bouncers...
Re: Any vacuum related tips? Bouncer just thinks the Hoover is a great beast to be defeated at all costs.
Re: Any tips Starving a Lab for 24 hours ??? Holy moley, I cant begin to imagine the grief. Good luck.
Re: What does your puppy do that makes you fall in love a little bit more? Sleeping ;)
Re: Cupar and The scary log We all give thanks to Cupar for ridding the park of the knobbly log of doom.