Re: Crating while we eat dinner? Yea, agreed. family meal time is crate time. Simples
Re: Kong mess??? Sounds mental. Forget Bob, im coming round to eat. Remember to wiegh your kongs & take that away from his kibble wieght.
Re: Kong mess??? I agree, probably ot a good idea to freeze the Konng yet. Just fill it with kibble, cheese, tuna or whaterver to get Bob used to...
Re: Kong mess??? He will eat its as it thaws out, anything that comes out that is edible he will eat so no mess.
Re: Kong mess??? +1
Re: Is it normal Also make some chicken or beef insyant gravy & freeze that in the ice cube tray. You can give them to your pup straight outa the...
Re: Is it normal Its so funny seeing them try to figure out why a big puppy paw wont hold it still
Re: First off lead training yea, I wont lie & say I wasnt a bit nervy, but I reccomend you do it as soon as possible.
Re: Chewing monster! As for kong filler, tinned Tuna mixed with grated cheese. Give it a go, she will love it.
Re: First off lead training Im sorry, I didnt mean that badlly but I am dslyexic so anything without punctuation is very hard for me to understand.
Re: Chewing monster! Get yurself to your local charity store & buy the biggest stuffed toy you can. It will cost u 50p or so, let her destroy that.
Re: First off lead training Will do :) Took me a while to understand that post, punctuate next time please :)
Re: First off lead training The "stay" wasnt so good ;p
Re: Is it normal When Bouncer's biting gets out of hand I give him an ice cube, he loves them.
Re: Saying "hello!" Mama of a 10 week old Chocolate Lab! (pics) Bouncer says hi, he tells me he is a sucker for blue eyed girls.
Re: A few pics of Willow ahhhhhhhh
It has been nearly a week now since Bouncer has been aloud out for his walks. Today I decided to take the plunge & do some off lead training in a...
Re: Saying "hello!" Mama of a 10 week old Chocolate Lab! (pics) OMG, this thread should come with a "Too Cute" warning. She is lovely.
Re: lemmy the brave...not! Lemmy, the world thanks you for putting the evil scourge of the Bin Men in thier place.
Re: When to stop soaking Kibble? Thanks for all the replies, I have gone back to completely dry feeding from a slow feeder dog bowl (adding...