Thanks. I'm happy to get back fastening again as she can be managed its more her choking herself I don't like :( I had just read the reviews re...
She's had back fastening before and was ok with it she will still pull towards dogs but more manageable. It was fleece but just got all hairy so...
Hi all Sorry it's been a while since I was last here! Bella is still doing really well after her double cruciate ligament op and we are almost 6...
YEP she loves a good foot and toe lick and if you've just been for a run or in the shower she goes into over drive :)
oh of course I forgot to add the ears :)
Just wondered if all labs are lickers / sloppy kissers?! Bella loves a good licking/ kissing- she always licks people/ kisses them with a full on...
[img]Untitled by Claudia Moss, on Flickr Little Red Riding Hood!! in Her 'Mou coat'
[img]Bella eats her new memory foam bed :( by Claudia Moss, on Flickr
[img]Untitled by Claudia Moss, on Flickr [img]Bella eats her new memory foam bed :( by Claudia Moss, on Flickr Well the memory foam bed didn't...
Well, we are almost there...almost!!! X Rays came back good, healing nicely and all present and correct. We have started introducing speed and...
Glad to hear Charlie is doing ok and hope it continues :)
Ha yes she certainly is food motivated :) the little tinker set the house alarm off today , it took photos of her exploring with her new lease of...
I got this one in the sale.... still £100 but it matches my sofa and she seems to like it, now theres no more crate :)
[img]image by Claudia Moss, on Flickr
Yay!!!!!!!!!!!! Now prepare for overload!! this is Bella in her new memory foam bed :)
[img]Untitled by Claudia Moss, on Flickr
I want to upload some pics of Bells from Flickr- any ideas how I do it???? :)
Yer you could be right....... Yer, she does go a bit subdued when it's on I did wonder .....but she's snoring away in it now..... It's...
Oh no really sorry to hear this, this is not what you need :( I really hope all will be ok xx
Thanks Angela, it really has been a while, November it all began !!!!!! X