She goes in for operation number 2 tomorrow at 8am... :( poor girl, then we can get in recovery for the next 8 weeks,,,,!
My Bella who is 14 months does this, she only barks at strangers not people she knows and it only happens for a couple of minutes ( she doesn't...
It's also occurred to me I'm not taking my clicker or treats on our walks, note to self tomorrow. On the side she has already put on a v slight...
Ok, thanks, she's not bouncing off the back legs I just worried she could damage back legs from pressure on them when lifting up front in...
YES lots of sniffing things, I'm letting her do it so it extends outside time...
This is true, Bella rarely barks and not like she did last night!!! the lady that said 'ugh that made me jump!' (Pi****** me off ha) ok ok I know...
It's funny isn't it, yer I don't mind over the next couple of months but then it's back to early morning and late night garden be cleans and...
Thanks for your kind messages. Bella has decided she will not go to the toilet at all in the garden anymore and we have to walk 2 minutes around...
Thanks. I has read to stop icing after 72 hours and start using heat, I was going to check it out with the vet tomorrow , the swelling has gone...
Thanks. We just had a slow ten minute walk and when we got back Bella was sick on the rug, phoned vet and they've told me not to give her any more...
Julie, did Charlie ever be sick after op? Second time today I've notified she's regurgitated her kong soggy biscuits... And not re eaten... Still...
Good point, it just caught me off guard. She's going nice and steady on walks and the occasional crazy is halted by the halti! :) I'll be like the...
Oh how wonderful. That's so exciting. Can't wait for updates.
Thanks all, just had our first encounter seeing another dog at the end of our streets... Bella refused to move from the spot and was trying to...
I really hope so!! She just given me a few barks for not playing with her, then given up and laid on my foot.... I sense a little diva might be...
Thanks, she'll be out Xmas eve and at least I'll be off over Xmas for a few weeks. This time next year I'll have a Xmas tree up!!!! :)
Thanks :)
Hello, thanks for all the messages. She's doing ok, was sore and uncomfortable at first and wouldn't go to the toilet but that's passed now and...
Thanks. I also signed up to an online site and they are sending all sorts of stuff - some very useful but a lot about 'buying supplements etc '...
Just watching super vet and they've got s support band under the knees... Following a knee op....Did they speak to you about that Julie?