"That seems really good progress. And it's quite good the surgeon thinks the ops can be 2 weeks apart - you may as well do all the rehab at the...
Thanks everyone, the specialist was really nice tonight and answered all of my q's. I'm glad I went for the female surgeon in the end. she even...
will do, thanks. I've ordered some salmon oil already and will discuss supplements later with the vet. I've also just ordered a comfy cone on...
Thanks. Back to specialist tomorrow. Massive crate up and running in the lounge and she keeps getting in and out and let me shut her in briefly...
Such a gorgeous girl.
Yer I've watched the videos, it is certainly not a straightforward procedure. What a bloody nightmare. She should be enjoying her puppy hood not...
Thanks, how much is it? I looked at extra supplements today and they were recommending 4 tablets, twice a day, at over ten quid a pack of 15 :(
Thanks for replies. Picking up a big crate tomorrow and got rugs and runners coming to cover the floors. Back to vets Monday to book her in. :(...
Yer I don't think she would be a fan. My friends lending me a big rug and I'll probably need some mats for the tiles. Thanks
Where are the booties from?
Bella was on royal canine junior which breeder gave her but as she had terrible sloppy poo I changed it after a few months. She's now on James...
Really?!?? Why would they say that ?!!!!
Also if anyones got any recommendations about food /biscuits let me know. There seems to be quite a few out there that are low calorie ( meaning...
Some great ideas on here , thanks Julie!!!
Thanks you Angela, I know I shall definitely be reading up on all of Julie's posts!!! well its day 3 of restricted exercise and she's already...
Julie what dimensions were your crate?
Yep just had this discussion with my mum, it's going to have to be a big crate, god she's going to hate me, but needs must :( I'll get it ASAP and...
I need to get another pen, sold mine a few weeks ago :(
Running to the doorbell and jumping up at people she knows Is likely ... ( or barking and Bowing at those she doesn't) I'll need to keep the...
Thanks Julie. I can take the odd day but too busy are the minute - last year I planned everything to the finest detail and had a whole month off...