Great thank you :)
Thanks everyone. Still feeling overwhelmed and upset but thinking about moving forward and how at least its been identified and treated now. The...
Thanks for all of these important considerations and explanations Julie . It makes more sense to me now. It was the specialist we saw at the...
What a day................ spent a long time (crying) at the vets. so yes although its not the hips, perhaps that may have been the better outcome...
Thanks all - well Julie T, guess what, x rays show her hips are actually good!! It is her cruciate ligaments, as you mentioned, both knees are...
Thanks all. I left in tears, she used the word 'I'm worried' and that she thinks its both her hips. I'm, in complete shock, I did everything by...
Thanks, I can't imagine life without her!! Dramatic I know but really hope it's nothing terrible :(
Thank you , freaking out is not the word :(
That's really helpful thanks. Watched Paul O Grady last week and was in bits!!!!
Just seen this after I've posted! Hope all goes ok too,
Bella has a recurring limp in her back left leg. She's only 13 months. Rest seemed to ensure recovery but a month later it's stated again.. Always...
Bella runs to the door in excitement if she hears a car pull up or doorbell rings, if it's a familiar person she jumps and presents them with her...
Bella was de penned at 11 months and she's fine, she has the run of downstairs but I always have to keep the kitchen tops clear otherwise she...
Bella is from show lines and is 25.6kg at her weigh in today. When she was close to 26kg a month ago vet wanted her at 25kg but I think she's fine...
Good advice thanks all, interesting.
Nope there is no minimum and maximum just a set amount stated. yes true ill stick with it. Labs are always hungry anyway so when she gives me sad...
Hello- welcome!!! Bella and I live in Leeds!!! We go to the 'TailWaggers' training classes - all positive reinforcement. They are fab and will...
Hello I know there isn't a simple answer to this but I am just wondering...... Bella is 12 months and on James Wellbeloved Junior. Advice on the...
Yep, that's Bella, started with carpets, now that's over with its my lawn..................cover up an area and she finds a new patch to dig! :)
Bella used to do that too when she was tiny, I tried ignoring and she still did it so I started just weighing her breakfast food out at night...