Ha ha, no 11 turned up last week and that was ok!!! Lets hope there is no sausage for the taking tomorrow or we are DOOMED!! The trainer is...
Ahhhh we've got our silver test tomorrow and as dog class hasn't been on for the past few week, I've been doing most of the training at home with...
Well done Mabel!! Especially as they called her over!!!!! How confusing for her!!! Some people!!! I got shouted at by a woman yesterday as Bella...
I'm so terribly sorry for your loss , your post made me cry, and it's evident how much she meant to you. She was clearly very well loved and...
Good luck , we are also preparing for the silver test on the 26th, the food manners and call away from distractions off lead are the 2 I'm most...
Thanks. I came back today and no accidents had occurred at any stage . She hasn't been toileting more than usual tonight either so don't think...
Ha Bella runs off fast .... I just caught her with a bread knife!!!!!!! Jeez!!!!!!! Luckily she dropped it on command phewy!!!! The pants thing...
She was spayed before her first season at 6 months. Never had any issues with toileting in the night other than last night and she did eat ham...
So Bella is 11 months old now and fully toilet trained... or so I thought.... she's doing really well so I've started leaving her pen open at...
I try and keep things out of the way but the odd time Bella sneaks a shoe or an article of clothing... she managed to nick a pair of pants and...
It's hard when she starts play biting me too... so that's when I leave the room! I will keep going with the time out and maybe click for quiet...
Very good advice above , Bella has also just started gravitating towards and chasing bikes and runners at 11 months ...... Ahhhhhhhh, best try...
Hope he's soon on the mend :)
Bella at almost 11 months has started attention barking at me , I've done the ignoring and rewarding instantly when calm but sometimes she ups the...
'She is the same colour as you' ...... Seriously by some cute old man ha ha ha , blondes have more fun :)
Bella caught it , but I hadn't had her vaccinated as didn't think she would need it , how wrong I was, I misunderstood as she's not boarded etc...
Thanks everyone. Yes it wasn't easy she was quite distracted by the new dogs etc and not always looking at me or following basic instructions...
So proud of Bella, she passed her KC bronze test on Saturday :) she and a few others broke part way through the stay due to one dog barking...