I always say that if you are having second thoughts that you need to listen to them. No one can tell you to get a lab or even a different breed...
I can only imagine what’s going through your mind at the minute. Thinking of you
I’m glad it made sense! It could well of been the reason the dog was on lead and your girl just reacted because of how he was with her. Please...
I hope you are feeling a bit better today about things Tammy. Hopefully the guy has gone away and not taken it further, but at least you can...
One of the hardest things in puppy ownership is training the OH! We have all been there (some still there!). I took a step back and ended up...
Hi. I wouldn’t keep her on lead from now on for just one incident, but do so for a short time whilst you work with her. I would try and give...
Looks like a fantastic holiday. Well done for being so good and helpful Monty :)
Wow, that’s a lot of pups! Hope mum is getting some rest. Good luck :)
I agree it’s all of the advice above. I too wouldn’t take her out with lots of people around and agree that a positive behaviourist in this...
I strongly advise you to go to the vets and get her checked over. Milk isn’t really good for pups so I would stick to giving her water.
I’m so glad it has gone well. Dogs can sense when their human family are poorly. When I’m having a bad day with my back and legs, Harley is very...
Hi and welcome from me and 4 year old girl, Harley from Bristol. Good luck in your search.
Hi. Have you tried ‘look at that’ or sometimes I use ‘who is it’. As soon as she looks at me I give her a high value treat. She now associates...
Hi and welcome from me and 4 year old girl, Harley from the UK. Look forward to hearing more about Chewie. Pups are amazing, but hard work.
Hi and welcome. These things are hard to pinpoint as it could be so many reasons; a load noise might of scared him in his new crate, he might not...
Poor boy. Harley had this go on over a period of a few mo this. We had x-rays and they didn’t show anything of concern. She now has regular...
Hi. Evenings can be frantic with pups as they are like overtired babies. If you know it’s goung to happen during this time period, preempt this...
That’s fantastic :) It’s so good when your training pays off.
Harley used to suffer with a sensitive tummy if I gave her too much food. It took me a few weeks to know what was the right amount for her, it...
Harley loves dried fish skins or fish cubes. They are low calorie and an be broken into small pieces. We also use frozen kongs to occupy her...