Hope it clears up soon and that the vet can help x
How old is he? He might be going through a fear stage. If I see something unusual that I think Harley might growl/bark at, I play a game around...
If you are still worried (which it sounds like you are), I would go back to the vets and ask for a biopsy to be done just to make sure. Hope you...
I had this with Harley. I live just off of a dual carriageway and have to go on it to get anywhere. She used to walk up it no problem until a...
I would be walking him on a harness as it will be harder for him to reach the lead. I would also be training him to walk nicely with treats which...
Hi and welcome from me and 4 year old girl, Harley :) Whereabouts in the world are you?
If he starts being sick or having diorrhea, pop him to the vets to be on the safe side. If he isn’t sick or anything I wouldn’t worry too much....
Yelping didn’t work for me, instead I would give her a toy and if that didn’t work I would stand up, stay still and not even look at her for a few...
Hi and welcome from me and 4 year old girl, Harley. As people have said above, all pups are different. Harley hated her crate and no matter...
Harley loves slippers too but just parades them around and doesn’t chew!
Sorry, I missed this too. Happy belated birthday Coco x
This weekend has been AMAZING. On Saturday we met up with Harley’s best friend, Gus (spinone) with his owner (Pat) and spinone sister, Amber....
Harley became reactive after she had been attacked 3 times. Collies set her off and I am constantly looking around to make sure there aren’t any...
I let Harley play for short periods in the garden at that age. She would have short hoolies but also just wondered around sniffing everything. I...
Hi and welcome from me and 4 year old girl, Harley. Where are you getting Woody from?
Bless her. Im sure the constant changes in weather hasn’t helped. Fingers crossed All is well at the vets x
Happy birthday Raven :cake::doug:
Hi and welcome from me and nearly 5 year old girl, Harley (also fox red). Enjoy the puppy stage as they grow so quickly!
I can understand what you are angry about, but until we know all the facts, we shouldnt judge. Too many people jump on things that might mean one...
Brilliant :cwl: would love to of seen a video of that :cwl: