Re: Found a Tooth We only ever found one of Milly's teeth. I didn't keep it though.
Re: Otis at emergency vets Glad he is ok.
Re: Barking!! Thanks Naya. Milly is almost 14 months so maybe it's just a thing they go through at a maturity level not so much an age thing. Who...
Re: Ouch ! Ouch indeed. Poor baby. Glad it's out and he can heal now.
Re: Casper the foxhound? Hope he has given those foxes a good scare and they stay away from your chickens now.
Re: Barking!! That's very interesting Julie. We are having similar issues with Milly barking at weird things like she is all of a sudden scared...
Re: Snakes Good luck with that one. Sounds challenging. Hope she never tries to bring you a not so nice snake. Mind you I really don't think...
Re: Willow and Shadow are growing up ... photos Lovely pics. Such cute pups.
Re: A Lump ;( So sorry you are going through this. Sounds like a cranky receptionist. Vet should ring back by end of day if not before. Hope you...
Re: Scratching the ground after a pee Milly does it sometimes too and she also quite often moves away quite a bit before scratching. Never dirt...
Re: Awful email from puppy socialization trainers That sounds horrible. I deffinately wouldn't go back. I'm glad you have another option. I hope...
I didn't realise how good we had it at the dog club we were in in Canberra. On Thursday I joined a new club and was put into a level 2 class. They...
Re: Ducklings Wow. That seemed to happen fast. Thanks for the update. They all look beautiful and very happy. Obi looks great too.
Re: Maisies here! Super cute.
Re: Adolescent classes start soon for Harley and Benson.. How wonderful.
Re: Intermittent limping I had to take mine with me so worth checking on.
Re: Dare I say it... a successful few days!! Sounds like you are doing great! Well done.
Re: Louis is home -- learnings and questions from first 24 hrs He is soooooo cute. Makes me even more excited to get mine in April. Still a long...
Re: New Daycare.....or is it? That's so great to hear. It sounds like an amazing place.
Re: Adolescent classes start soon for Harley and Benson.. Thanks Julie. Greatly appreciate that. I will grit my teeth and just keep turning up:)