Re: Milly is limping again. Sorry haven't been on in ages. We have just moved to sunny Queensland so it has been a very busy couple of months. So...
Re: Ozzie with my... well now his new cushion Very cute. Love sleepy puppies.
Re: Bringing home puppy to house with other dogs Following so I can get all your ideas:) we get our new pup in Early April. It's super exciting.
Re: 2 weeks to Louis comes home (photos) Haha maybe "what to do when my owner keeps looking at my poo" Haven't been on in quite a while. What a...
Re: Ducklings They are soooo cute. They are getting big very quickly. Love that big bib!
Re: Ducklings They are so cute!
Re: Ducklings That face!!! So cute!
Re: Ducklings Awwwww cute! You kept that a real secret:)
Re: New to the group What a sweet face. Welcome to the forum from Milly and I.
Re: Hip and elbow scoring advise Thanks everyone. I will keep searching. Have heaps of time on my side:) Thanks ternaya, Milly is doing great....
Re: Hip and elbow scoring advise Lol yep been searching there:)
Re: Hip and elbow scoring advise Thanks Rachael. I will keep looking:) I'm looking for breeders in QLD as that where we will be and I want to go...
Re: Hip and elbow scoring advise That's that's pretty much what I had read too. So I think I'm on the right track. Have found a breeding pair...
Hi everyone, I am looking to put my name down for a pup mid next year. Most of you know we have just been through surgery for Millys elbow. I am...
Re: A very sad announcement . Oh How terrible. I haven't been on for a while and just catching up. I just read this. How incredibly sad. She will...
Re: So much hair!!! Cants stop laughing. No dogs with balls here! Lots of boys in this house but I can't say I will be looking for hair loss lol.
Re: Milly is limping again. Thanks Julie. It's great to hear someone who, has been through even more, come through the other end no worse of....
Re: Milly is limping again. Thanks Katie. I'm leaning toward staying with our normal diet and just going with the additives. I'm using sashes...
Re: Milly is limping again. Thanks Rachael. I'm thinking she must be feeling better. Makes it harder to keep her calm. Thankfully she is pretty...
Re: Milly is limping again. Thanks Julie. She is on Sashes blend which is probably the same thing and yes for the rest of her life. She will also...