We like the name Loki. My son is well into Marvel Superheroes so liked that name. (Even though Loki is a 'baddie' I'm sure the puppy won't be haha)
Aw lovely have you got any pics? It's another 3 weeks until we bring ours home but we are very excited :)
because, well, look at the pictures, how could we not :) He's a he and currently 5 weeks old [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
W Would the health of the families mean that if they all had been healthy chances are these puppies would be too? They're all healthy checked....
I agree it's worth thinking about but it seems they've had so many people happy with their puppies they must know what they're doing? And there is...
Thank you. So it seems the relation is quite close which I thought anyway as they have sent the details of the sire and dam and their family...
I've just checked the parents of the puppies we are looking at at the weekend and the result was Any puppies from this mating would have a...
Did you do them? If we reserve a pup at the weekend I'm also going to book a place on a local training class. Starts with the basic training in a...
Haha I can imagine. I said to him that I'm not getting a puppy unless he reads the books as well. He'd be quite happy to go into it all with his...
Yes I have thanks. Just reading it again now, this time with the husband!
Our lab cross collie used to do this. He was a soppy thing
The breeder we're looking at buying a yellow lab from has some puppies available at the end of August so we're going to look at them next weekend....
I remember our rescued family lab cross collie doing this. Had no idea why. I think sometimes he just didn't want to go home when he knew the walk...
So I know puppies bite and seen a lot of referring to 'the Crocopup phase', so how long generally does this phase last? Just thinking of my...
Thank you, I'll definitely ask the breeder once we are in contact again :)
Absolutely, I totally agree. I would never leave my dog tied up and left either, however I imagine this person does it there as there is a...
Thank you, I'm in the UK but use Amazon (and my husband works for them l) that looks like a great crate, I'll see if they sell it on the UK site...
I guess this lab outside the school is very used to children as the lady has a baby as well. I'm not sure how old the dog is though.
Me too. Do you think the breeder can advise which of their litter to choose that they think would be good around children or would it be too early...
When I've dropped my son off at school there's often a lovely black lab tied to a gate waiting for its owner to come back from taking their child...