I've used the a hydrogen peroxide mix several times and it worked well without any side effects. Kept it away from eyes and mouth and rinsed...
To de-skunk your dog: Mix- 1quart peroxide 1/4 cup baking soda 1 tablespoon Dawn You may need to wash a couple of times. It works. Tomato...
Sounds very familiar. Jubilee races around the house when she gets one. She will trade for a treat. We try and remember to put them in a basket...
What a cutie!
Welcome from fellow Mainers. Jubilee is my retirement puppy, too. She is two now, but still keeps me busy and active. I think you will be...
why not call the breeder? They often have people looking for dogs.
Hi- Jubilee had a beautiful coat when she was a puppy, but I worried that it was too long and wavey. It was especially noticeable along her back...
Hello! I found Your Labrador Retriever Puppy- Month by Month by, Eldredge to be extremely helpful when Jubilee was a puppy. Also, the kikopup...
Some breeders in Maine breed small labs. They are called "canoe labs"- a hunting dog that can fit in a small boat.
Hello from your Maine neighbors. This is a great place for information and support. Enjoy your puppy !
I was out in the woods with people training a search and rescue dog. The dog had a gps collar on and the handler could track the dog's path...
Another thing that makes me a little nervous is when she is racing around with doggie friends. They always seem to want to spin around and crowd...
Yes, I don't think I could carry Jubilee very far. We do obedience training with a neighbor that has search and rescue dogs. One of the things...
FayRose- I empathize with you about getting down on the floor. I also snort at the directions that tell you to run in the opposite direction that...
Oops- I accidentally pressed post. I am an older owner with a young dog and I sometimes find it physically challenging and other times wonder if...
I've seen some posts by older dog owners
Do you think it is OK to freeze the chicken and rice mix in a Kong? Would it make any difference if it is frozen when you are trying to treat...
Welcome from Jubilee and me. I have found this forum to be filled with great information and helpful ideas. I hope you will, too. Don' t forget...
In Maine, every year it is $6 for neutered dogs and $11 for un-neutered dogs. No microchips, but you must have up-to-date rabies vaccine...
Jubilee is very stinky this summer. She gets wet every day and doesn't always get completely dry because she still has her thick undercoat. I...