Had a quiet night! It's nice to get some uninterrupted sleep. We left her uncrated, but with the bedroom door open just enough so she could peek...
Her crate is right outside our bedroom. The bedroom is small, but the crate might fit. Today we practiced not getting on the bed without...
Until recently, Jubilee (21 months) has been wonderful in her crate. She was good from the very first day she came home as a puppy. Now she is...
Jubilee was also wild when she was very young, so she was on a leash and harness in the rest of the house. Sometimes, she was tethered to me while...
Jubilee was raised with one other puppy and 5 adult aunties. She was the worst biter ever. She's still mouthy when over excited. The lab puppy we...
Jubilee was like your puppy. It can be quite scary and painful. Turning away from her and putting my hands up and also throwing some yummy...
Besides all of the above, I found Your Labrador Retriver Puppy- Month by Month a very helpful book. I consulted it a lot.
Yes, she has AKC papers. The breeder is very well known and is celebrating her 40th year breeding labs. Many breeders in New England have her...
Greetings from me and Jubilee. We're Mainers, too!
When Jubilee was a puppy, I found both kikopup and Zak George videos very helpful. There are lots of them on YouTube.
Thanks . I was very surprised by his comment and a little disconcerted. I haven't come across anything that supports this idea. The AKC says that...
Today the vet said that the black spot on Jubilee's tongue is because she is not 100% lab. Has anyone heard this? Her breeder is highly thought...
Very nice. He looks great in his harness. What kind is it?
Jubilee loves all of the above plus asparagus. Our last lab used to sneak in the garden and steal peas. She also knew the location of every wild...
Thank you for all the advice. I have lost my confidence a bit. Although I've cut dogs' nails for over forty years and only did it too short once...
I finally have been able to trim Jubilee's nails without too much fuss, so of course today I cut one too short and she bled. It stopped fairly...
You are doing much better with Tess than I am with Jubilee (13 month old, black female). She has 0% recall if she sees another dog or a new...
Soon after the winter snow was gone, Jubilee found several desiccated mouse corpses for snack. She also enjoys frog pancakes that are made but the...
Why does Julie toss treat after she clicks?