I'm sorry I can't help you with any advice re the lip smacking,I just wanted to say hi and welcome and your avatar pic is very cute x
Hi there, Sorry I've not been around this last couple of days... Dexter had to fly UK to Dubai as a 5 month old when he came to us and then last...
Hi Karen,just passing to see how she is doing? and you too xxx Have your nights been ok? X
Odie's zoomies :rofl: hilarious! Little Luna pegging herself out into a flop.... I've just checked my saved vids...no zoomies to be seen...I'll...
Ah just so lovely ...they are gorgeous together x
Ah Emily,I just know before long we are going to be reading a post filled with the news you've found him,the one .Bruno will be happy and you will...
Ah Benson what a wonderful Hoolie Day.....Never Give Up Peetza Cruisin' ......one day the prize will be yours :rofl:
Oh Jeanine,you all had a right time of it,so glad to see this post to tell us things are better ,good for you for not giving up and getting her...
Hi to you and Lily from Dexter and I x
Thinking of you Karen,hug to Mrs Pops too xxx
Kate,it was so lovely to come on and see your name in the New Posts,you know how sorry I am for you about Sam ,it was such a shock.He's a...
Welcome from Dexter and I ,he's our first dog and we live in Dubai with him x
Hello there , Welcome to the Forum ,great to see you here . First of all it sounds like you've done a great job in settling your puppy into your...
My friend's spaniel did this ,not a cheap thing to replace..... Have you looked at car crates? There's your safest option I'd say and the only...
Gosh ,it got infected quickly ,Good job you took him to the vet so quickly....will be interesting to see what you see on the cctv.I hope you can...
Amazon too Rosie...it will be here the next day! It's such an amazing tool x
Hi there,and welcome to the Forum , She is lovely ,a very pretty dog.whats her name? My dog is definately on the small end of the scale he got...
This has literally made me gasp Karen... I have a chaser of deer ,rabbits and squirrels....it's completely my fault ,with more experience and a...
Hi again, Maybe try soaking it with a little water? It's still kibble but it's magically different and might be more interesting? .....let us...
Hi there, Sometimes I read posts from owners experiencing similar.If your dog seem otherwise ok no other behaviour changes ,or dips in energy and...