They can be really brief....Dexter had a period of starting at 5am when he heard the maintenance vehicles for the golf club start up at the bottom...
Hi there, I think when they are little you just strike lucky with the initial quiet nights whilst they are adjusting ,then they realise what is...
Done x
Welcome to you from Dexter and I x
Oh blimey,there's springs in those puppy paws,I'm sure..... I didn't have Dexter at Poppy's age ,he was 5 months when he came to us but he'd not...
Ah Dawn,I've just been reading through your first post,you aren't alone in those experiences ....I've made many ( and continue to do so) mistakes...
Might be a few ideas in this thread..... I know the...
Hi there, What a worry for you both.You are on course now to get him sorted out,Medications might need adjusting ,further tests may be needed...
When I stand on one of Dexter's chew toys,it kills me! X
Enjoy and let us know how it goes x
Hi there and welcome to the Forum. Firstly I have to admit to a very sharp intake of breath by the title of your post.It is irresponsible for a...
Brilliant! Sounds like she's really getting the hang of it.....I bet the atmosphere is a lot more relaxed now you are happier staying where you...
Hello there, Great to see you on the Forum,welcome from Dexter and I,he's our 4 year old yellow boy and we live in Dubai x
And that is not a bad thing at all!oh and to have a dog bakery! Funny you should be talking about bandanas ....I had a sort out this morning and...
Er can't really help Emily but I Think it's quite quick....when Dexter used to play hump with excitement,he mounted quick ....and my friend's dog...
Hi Jay, Welcome to the Forum,yup Fiona has basically told it how it is....Dexter is our first dog ,we had family dogs as I was an older teenager...
Ha ha love it.... I bet Brogan had an extensive wardrobe didn't he? X
Hi Liz, Try this And you may find this interesting too.......
Hi Liz, Apologies ,I'll report this in and get it checked .......there probably won't be any establishments named in the article but it there...
Could this be something to do with where you live? It's something that's come up before in neutering discussions ,how culturally some parts of the...