Oh Bev sorry to read this .....I bet the whole situation has left you feeling a bit glum... My dog isn't great meeting other dogs on lead....he...
You know something in reading this post I've just realised ......Dexter never licks/washes himself....he might have the odd nibble and scratch but...
Hi Helen, Lucy is gorgeous,sounds like you've settled her into your home really well x
What a horrible fright,I'm glad you weren't on your own Kate ....I feel sorry for his dog too,having to live with an owner like that x
Hi there, Our dog is attached to us both but when we are both around together he is definitely more 'my ' dog ,I'm sure this comes down to the...
She is scrumptious x
They can hold longer at night as they are quiet and their metabolism will slow down,I'd go back a few steps on your toilet training to where you...
Dexter is in our Will with our Wishes in the event of our joint demise...he has an amount settled for him too that should take care of his medical...
Hi Sarah,he's growing up and certainly hormones will be coming in but I wouldn't attribute the barking and panting to that....it just sounds like...
Wow......zer! That was intense for sure,you must have been exhausted when you left.....especially after having the raw reality of your mortality...
I think that's the same place I walk my parent's setter ....although I approach it from the different side !! I'll drop you a message next time...
To be honest Jamjoy I never lifted water up from my dog but I live in a country with a very hot climate .I don't think water access makes all the...
That's so kind Joy x
Hi there. And welcome to the Forum, I don't know your puppy's full circumstances but it sounds like you've done a wonderful thing rescuing him...
Stacia ,you ALWAYS say it xxxxxx
Yes it was the first dose he had taken
Hi there and Welcome to the Forum.Im so glad you've found us and chosen to join ,there is a lot of help and advice within the boards.Dexter is my...
Hi there, Based on the Bravecto discussion that started on MF's thread with regards to Snowie's eye injury I've pulled up this old thread from...
I hope Snowie recovers well and isn't too bothered whilst the eye is healing....You must have been so worried,it's frightening when you are away...
Hello and welcome to the Forum.I can't give any insight into the water digging....could be as simple as she just likes it.Great to have another...