Yep - nuts! And fabulous :clap:
Pro fibre is a good additive. I put a scoop on each of Tatze's meals. :)
I do understand because I do both with different dogs. Tatze is my pet dog and generally well behaved, but not to be trusted. So she has a front...
Here is a good article - :)
Keir does that sometimes. With him the cure is to ignore him. By ignore I mean turning away and shielding my eyes so that he knows I’m not even...
I looked after a pup who did this - he grew out of it. :)
Zaba, intact male, did the lip smacking thing as Mollie came into season, but I haven’t seen him do it any other time. :) We keep our girls in...
Here is an excellent article - My Mollie was very, very bitey at 7 months old. Be very calm...
Paul is really gentle and Carbón plays just like Tatze :heart:
Yes, she will lie in the sun - but it’s not long before she gives up and goes back indoors. She adores the sun but will insist on wearing this...
Tatze would be just the same, black dog = hot dog. You are doing the right thing, plenty of shade, drinks and rests. Great photos. :)
Oh Willow :( Get well soon xx
Here is Barley in Advanced Training :) [ATTACH]
Awwww - I knew Barley’s brood bitch holder when he was a tiny baby :)
I soak their kibble and put a little, unfrozen, in the Kong until they get used to it. Once they are five months old I soak the kibble in a cup,...
I’m getting tall aren’t I? :) [ATTACH]
Good news - fingers crossed xx
Awwww, Mr Cuddles. :hug:
Sorry, I worded it confusingly. Tatze has the same attitude to them all ‘they come and they go’. She really adores Zaba, my friend’s dog, who she...