Awwwww, lovely pup :inlove:
I would relax, take her out when you go out and see what happens. If she does have an accident you’ll know she hasn’t quite ‘got it’ yet and...
I’ve started this with Tatze as she’s a terror for alert barking in the house. It’s started to work. Today there was a man hammering the roof...
It really is magic!...
I live in the kitchen for five months a year lol (I have a new pup every year, number seven is due in July). But I’m lucky in that we have a large...
We use fish cubes, the dogs love them :) They sound expensive but you get a lot in 1Kg....
Yes - Tatze loves to pee in the reservoir, it’s the first thing she does when we get there. :)
When they are no longer having accidents indoors. All of my pups were house trained by four or five months old but still had the very occasional...
Oh my goodness - so glad she’s ok now xx
These two working guide dogs - Fable and Bess - like nothing better than bog snorkelling. :) [ATTACH]
We all have days when it all goes pear shaped. Be kind to yourself :hug: .
It does, just as all her other ‘commands’ work too! She has us very well trained. :p
Once they know not to wee or poo indoors they all find their own way of asking. Keir walks back and forwards between me and the door. Mollie used...
Neither of mine have an evening walk. Tatze has a long morning walk for 1 - 2 hours and a short afternoon walk. Keir has 50 minutes in the...
What a good boy - he can come and give Keir some lessons on settling in pubs! :clap:
Yes, I have these for Keir and fill them with soaked kibble then freeze. But be careful, some dogs chomp too hard on bones. Tatze isn’t allowed...
Mollie’s boarder, Sarah (who she stayed with in early training) went to visit her at school in Shrewsbury (where she’s in Advanced training). She...
How about getting a large puppy pen? Good things for keeping pups occupied - Big cardboard box to rip up. Kongs filled with soaked then frozen...
He’s lovely - gorgeous colour :inlove: Did he sleep?
Awwww, great news! :doug: