Marvellous - exciting times! Here is an article I read when waiting for a new pup - to keep my feet on the ground!...
@Emily_BabbelHund said - They pick up so much of what we are feeling too and if we are worried (for them) they will pick it up, I would imagine...
Have you got the book ‘Total Recall’? I can’t recommend it highly enough. I’ve trained six pups now using its methods and all have left me at 12...
The best outcome would be a speedy new home for Paul. Fingers and paws crossed. I tried to persuade my brother but his partner, lovely ‘tho she...
Friends :) [ATTACH]
Yay!! :doug:
Looks like he’s marking. If mine ever look like they may pee in shops I make sure they don’t sniff at all and keep their heads up all the way...
I’d say reward (which includes petting) when they are calm and relaxed. :)
You are doing great, all that sleep is perfectly normal. :)
Yes, also do recalls with yummy treats, put the lead on but then immediately take it off and play again. Do this a few times each walk. End the...
Oh yes! That is really good - celebrate! :monkey:
Don’t use stock cubes, they contain salt.
This really isn’t unusual at this age. Keep persevering with your training. My Mollie was doing this up to 12 months old. She is now, just a...
If my pups are noisy or demanding at meal times I put them behind the baby gate with a filled Kong. Any shouting after they’ve had the Kong is...
Hope she’s better this morning @Donna811
My friend has a cat flap on a utility room cupboard with the kitty litter tray inside :) .
@Emily_BabbelHund said - Absolutely! :D
I would say that by this age it has become a habit. Here is lots of good advice - :)
Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! :D