My Tatze won’t swim either. A splash in the shallows on a hot day is the best we get, even ‘tho all her walks are by reservoirs, rivers and...
Go well lovely Messi and play lots xxx :hug: for you @Emily_BabbelHund
Bless her, that’s good news :)
I took Keir on the train to the service at Manchester Cathedral today. He was a superstar. The train was packed and the organ at the Cathedral...
Yes, I stand and wait quietly until they move on, and treat then for moving on. Mollie needed lots of Big Thinks. Keir not so much :) .
Hmmmmm ... It may not be a stamina thing? He may be doing the ‘sitting still and taking it all in’ having lots of Thinks About Things, as pups...
Don’t worry at all about him getting enough sleep - he will. Make as much noise as you like, he will sleep through it when he needs to. :)
I have a fence so that, when I can’t supervise, the dogs don’t go in the garden. Keir is a terror for eating sticks, leaves, you name it. [ATTACH]
I also do five or six sessions a day - nice and short, about ten minutes until they get to six months then they start to get longer sessions....
Welcome to you @shawnlinus All pups are different, some much more alert than others, some sleep a LOT - others not so much. I raise Guide Dog...
Congratulations - great news! Here’s to a long happy partnership :drink:
Awwww - lovely! :inlove:
Sunshine at last! [ATTACH]
Yes - overtiredness can often be the cause of loopyness :)
Bless him. Honey of a spoon will help soothe his throat xx
Mollie was just like this at 7 months old. She doesn’t do it at all now. Get your treats out straight away and do a few minutes training - this...
Here is a good article - .
Yes, I just spray it on to a wet cloth....
Brilliant! My lovely Boogie (who I name myself after) had it starting at the same age. He lived to a happy, healthy 19 - very nearly 20 years...