I'm so sorry to hear that @clive3761, it must be devastating.
I feel a bit the same @Joy about tricks. Didn't like the idea and when the trainer in class asked us all to come prepared with a trick I was a bit...
At 6 months I continued to feed at lunchtime for a while and gradually reduced over a period of time. For example, I might have given her a...
Can you confine your pup to one room? My pup, 9 months, is in the kitchen when I'm out and overnight, and there is a baby gate to stop her...
Don't beat yourself up about this @Jyssica, I've had to do it since Plum was tiny and it hasn't helped any! Really hope he gets better quickly and...
Adorable photos one and all. I love the sloppy sits, Plum's pretty good at them too.
So sorry.
Adorable :heart:.
Oh @Jyssica, sorry to hear that. Plum's had all sorts of drops, liquid, gel, water; the latter I had to apply twice a day for TWO MONTHS! It was...
Plum's birthday is 25th September. (I used to share a birthday with my ex husband; one of the silver linings of getting divorced was being able...
She does play tug @Joy and loves it so I'll work on this. Thank you.
Thanks so much @snowbunny, I really appreciate your suggestions, going to start practising tomorrow! Also, I realise, when she starts her first...
Thanks @selina27, yes, I have a harness and I'm so pleased I put that on her because goodness knows what she might have done to herself in a...
Thanks so much @edzbird, I will try your helpful suggestions .
Thank you so much @QuinnM15 , you have given me hope. I am doing a gundog workshop with her at the moment so I will also ask the trainer for tips...
Just been out with Plum, 9 months, to the local rec and it was dispiriting and so unpleasurable. I had her on the lead because she's been a bit...
My black 9 month old pup was shedding in earnest in May and stopped about 10 days ago.
My friend was out walking her dogs two days ago and a huge and heavy GR came round the corner and barrelled into her. She spent a day at A&E and...
He is beyond gorgeous, and clever! How fab when you turn a corner :).
I didn't have my pup in my room nor did I sleep with her, but many people on this forum did and either moved their pups to where they wanted them...