Loved your update of the puppy journey. Sorry I am blanking on the name of the toy.... The orange and blue ball flingy thing? It flings the...
Never used any paw wax before . Thanks for the info! Zeke's bloody pads are doing much better after only a few applications of Mushers. I was...
Talk about crazy weather... Today it was 40 above zero. That's a swing of 67 degrees not counting windchill over a couple days. Found some...
We used a muffin pan for a while and then a 14 inch tray with 3 inch sides that we found at the farm supply store. We add water to the kibble....
Does he go to a good kennel or is there a friend or relative he could stay with during the actual move? Then he would miss some of the commotion....
Oops. Yes that makes sense. Hadn't heard about the state dog of Minnesota but that makes sense too. Lotsa labs here. How does one keep the...
I am one of the lucky Minnesotans experiencing the polar vortex along with two labs and a cat. We are going outside for basically 5-10 minutes...
Mine prefer the heavy stone ware bowls. We set them on a rug or towel. Yes dogs are messy drinkers. I spose you could put a large waterproof...
Whine growl and a throaty purr when laying on the bed with the Manx cat. Manx have no tails and act like dogs. And they trill and vocalize and...
Ok we chatted at the dog park. One is in your same situation and is very happy now with the only one dog. There was a bit of adjustment for...
Mine have had small wounds from branches or playing with each other or scratching where when it scabs there is no fur. Fur grows back in a bit....
Yes color is important! For every day we like the bright orange cuz we can see it at night and know which dog is which. Zeke is gonna get the...
Haha! Had to think about this and check it out. Gals at dog park agree. Doesn't stick to dog pads. We will include you on royalties when we...
I would check with the vet about rebuilding the good gut bacteria. Having a few bouts with antibiotics might have decreased the guts good...
Having another dog could work or it might not. Depends on personalities and how much time you have to spend with both dogs. Do you want another...
Cat food is so good to them but causes them such pain. We moved our cat food up on a table, easier than getting some to remember the gate or...
Zeke had the loud gurgling and extremely smelly gas with runny poop for most of his life. He is 2. We tried different foods over 18 months and...
Another thought.... You could buy sod and patch the brown spots easily too. And water your lawn more often.
I feel your pain. We don't have the same grass so I can't say for sure what you should do but it may be similar. I don't believe you will ever...