We have had some that only retrieve things with feathers... Or when they are hunting. Maybe cuz they were bred more for their point? Is pointing...
From the States. Our last 5 labs were 8 weeks old when we could pick up from breeder. Minnesota, Iowa and one from Kansas. They would rather...
This time is not easy for you or for Daisy. It's obvious you love her and want to do the right thing. I recently went thru this with my Fudge....
At first I thought I would if I could do it ethically. But the more I thought about it I realized that the thing I love about adding a new family...
Now tonight.... Gizmo Cat on lap. Nala cat on shoulder. Rex the black lab is snoring on the couch. Simba cat on chair with friend. Zeke the...
Thanks for setting my mind at ease. None of our other dogs acted like this, it's interesting how different each dogs personality is, isn't it?
No one else has a pup that does this? Well since there has been no snapping and no teeth baring and he joins in with whoever is getting the...
Hahaha! That came out wrong didn't it? She has 2 lovely kitties...
Zeke is 15 months old and is a very sweet guy. Since he was little he would growl very quietly in certain situations. I interpreted it as a...
Kitties litter box was in laundry room. Rather than cutting a hole in the door for the cats we put a short chain on the door so the door could...
Welcome! Congrats on the new addition to your family. So glad you found the forum. Lots of help on many topics, but mostly dog stuff. I think...
Isn't winter in the Midwest fun! We got our last puppy last December. They had trained the litter with wood shavings in a boot tray. Worked...
One of our earlier pups didn't fit in the cat carrier we brought. He was a big sausage! We improvised with a cardboard box. Most of the time he...
Zeke was never 'manhandled' yet still growled lightly at any little touch when he was deep sleeping. I am not a professional but have learned that...
My Zeke has done this from little on. He is 15 months now and when he is really tired he acts like a crabby toddler. He sleeps a lot heavier...
Yes fish oil is great. Started it for our older lab who was getting itchy. And use it for the young ones now. Was told the fish oil would help...
Our choco Zeke has droopier eyelids and we often saw his third eyelid as a puppy. Often you could see a lot of the white of his eye. Our black...
Sorry no pics of the green camo snowman person. I live in Minnesota, USA. Planning to move somewhere just a little warmer, hopefully before next...
You get used to it somewhat. Lol. You should see my dog walking outfit.... My hubbies green hooded long down coat. Camouflage high top muck...
Your weather sounds lovely! We live where temps are -30* C to -50* C for about two months.... And sometimes colder with windchill. I am so sick...