With 3 big dogs in the house I was getting fed up with constantly refilling the water bowl. I struggled to find one that would be big enough to...
Re: Owls today isn't Capser day after all :( The breeder rang this morning (at 7.30am I guess she was up with the owls which is earlier than a...
Re: Grey hairs barney's chin is quite white now - can't quite believe he's six! No sign of growing up other than that though :)
Re: Owls ;D Rachael - haha I saw this- must count as one of the most entertaining twitter hacks ever
Re: Really pleased! well done - savour these moments make it all worthwhile
Re: ice ice barney those are brilliant ideas! perhaps you should put them in the recipe section :D
Re: ice ice barney given barney once pinched a family size frozen pavlova and scoffed the lot without any untoward reaction I'm fairly...
we have just treated ourselves to a gorgeous new fridge freezer - i never thought i'd be so excited about a fridge but it is great ;D it has one...
Re: Owls thanks Nicola Milton Keynes is only 15 miles so no problem for a man with a van and an owl ;D
Re: Owls I will certainly try Pippa - there's so much going on here it's a bit mad taking on an owl! If you know anyone who works or has kids in...
Re: Owls Less than a week until owl day and the supplies are arriving... travel box - check cat litter made of wood (!) - check play pen (clear...
Re: Owls Aw he has a face only an incubator could love! But will be stunning when he grows up... he's only about 10cm high but he'll grow very...
Re: Owls Too late re the name - we'd already decided honest! meet Casper... [img]
Re: thank heavens for the dog fence Karen - its from "dogfence.co.uk" it is a loop of cable around the property that gives off an fm signal. The...
Re: Owls Update... We had our name on an egg and have just heard that it has hatched. Ian is going to see his new baby on Tuesday - a little...
Some of the longer term members of this forum will remember how fond Barney was escaping by swimming to freedom across the river at the bottom of...
Re: Owls Gosh so many replies - thanks everyone. To keep an owl you have to have a licence from DEFRA and it must be bred in captivity - if you...
Re: I have applied! I was a socialiser for a while for medical detection dogs and it was very rewarding, fun, and flipping hard work. I'm not in...
We are currently researching keeping an owl. My partner has a new business as a Freelance Forest School teacher which he named "Forest Owl" the...
Re: Organic probiotic yogurt a suggestion - it might be more cost effective to get a good probiotic powder from the health shop and stir a...