Hi Lisa, They are Nubian's - I have a registered herd. I used to show them competitively, but now just have them for my enjoyment, and to provide...
Yes, I hand raise all the babies so that I have milk available for my goat milk soap business - plus they are much friendlier and easier to handle...
learning to use our new legs....and entertaining students - of course! :) [IMG]
Yes, there will be more.... I have 4 more does due to kid in the next month or so.... :) Hopefully this weekend Bella will get a chance to spend...
While all of you in the UK were waking and starting your coffee/tea pots for the morning....we were busy delivering these little beauties in the...
Speedy recovery to Charlie! glad to hear all went well, Julie! We've been thinking of you "over here" waiting for an update! Tail wags and...
I keep trying to read Gypsy's guide dog puppy latest post...and it won't load...I get a "fatal error" exceeding 30 seconds message...I can try a...
Bella loves squeeks, and Kong's have great squeeker toys.. She has a Kong Jelli Hippo - it's her all time (have to take it away frequently...
Just lovely....and so happy for Spero....and sad for you Ternaya, it will be bittersweet for sure...
Exactly!!!! LOL Julie is totally correct.... Looking forward to pictures of the little monster - I mean puppy :)
Hi Bud!!! I'm so glad your mom finally brought your daddy back home - you must be so relieved!!! I'm not supposed to jump up either....not on...
Thanks Rachel...it's one of my favs of Miss Bella ;)
not a moderator...but got it to work for me! :) Thanks gang!!!
Testing...since this was an issue for me earlier.... :) woohoo! working now! Thanks Pippa
Re: Persisting UTI problems. Ah...poor Rue and poor you. Sadly, I have lots of experience with Bella and UTIs. She too has a tucked up vulva....
Re: Oh, the shedding! I was noticing yesterday that Crystal is shedding something fierce right now....but of course her snowy white hair shows up...
Re: Dog toys ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D Charlie is so creative!!!!
Re: Bud's Story (an ongoing diary) Hi Bud, Good of you to check in. I've been meaning to write myself, but mommy has been so busy with KRAFSHOWZ...
Re: Lab ear lenth I'll speak up as the owner of a US working line lab. Bella has very "sporty" ears, but I have noticed as she grows in leaps...
Re: Dogs on the bed.... I've been inclined to share my bed with a dog since I was a child. I grew up with a great dane sleeping on my twin size...