Sorry I don’t have an answer but thought I would give your post a bump up. I would have thought like any fear related training it has to be done...
What lucky pups(and new owners) to have you and mum looking after them! Any more photos?
Is he doing it in his sleep when dreaming or waking up and doing it?If the latter you could try leaving a radio on(maybe classical music) at low...
Hi If they have ruled out infection then yes sounds like mine with his allergies. The liquid from his eyes is clear when fresh and eyes...
It’s a tricky one. I am on my third dog. No1 didn’t eat poo but rolled in fox poo. No2 ate poo from the moment he was allowed outside and think...
Have you tried raising the bowl so they don’t need to stretch down so far to reach the bowl? Someone else may have experience.
I would avoid chews as they tend not to chew them properly before swallowing. Raw hide are worse as they don’t break down easily. I would use the...
Oh dear this made me very sad to read. Poor dog.How old is he and how long have you had him? Hopefully he has access to shade,a comfortable bed...
It is very sad when your dog reaches this stage. Mine did the same. One day he would eat a tiny bit of hand fed chicken and I considered that a...
Sounds like she might have a UTI or kidney problem. Definitely take her to the vets. I don’t know about any link to spaying as I have only ever...