Hi I don’t have any experience of this condition but have had to give foot baths in the past to a dog who hates having his feet touched. Solution...
If that is the best treatment available I would make a nice comfortable bed in the back of the car/boot and go for it. He will probably sleep all...
It sounds like she might not be getting enough exercise in general. Does she have a walk off the lead where she can move around sniffing her way...
Hi It sounds like she is in pain. I would take a video of her behaviour and go back to the vets for guidance.
Glad it is nothing sinister.
Anal glad might need emptying. A job for the vet I believe.
Great news for Toby. This lump is a lipoma so no further action needed. Phew!
I’m surprised at 8 months there dog is still not house trained. I definitely wouldn’t want a dog marking in my house. Saying that Toby caused...
This is what the government website says “When in a vehicle make sure dogs or other animals are suitably restrained so they cannot distract you...
I am so sorry to hear this. Can you believe I have just come back from the vets. Took him for his annual check up/jabs(I do leptospirosis...
Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear this. My thoughts are with you.
If you are in the U.K. there are rules about transporting a dog that include having it secured in a dog crate or seatbelt harness. Saying that...
Yes quite normal. There is no need to mark in the garden so it all comes out in one go!
Might be worth getting a photo when she is still that the vet can zoom in on.
Did the vet offer to aspirate the lumps or just feel they are nothing to worry about. If they are symmetrical they may be part of her genetic make...
Really sorry to hear this. It must be very hard for you with no answers. If you put “sudden death” into the search bar at the top(magnifying...
My previous lab had 3 lumps removed over his lifetime. All came back as benign but different and no further treatment was needed. Toby my current...
I meant trainer although I’m sure some of the walkers will train too!:)
Teaching with fear isn’t the way to go and e collars are definitely not supported on this site. Find a local dog walker who can teach you how to...
Mine was on large breed for the first 2 years as that was what the breeder recommended. He used to have a lot of loose stools. I now feed raw...