Haha That was a holiday home not his house! How are your two doing?
I started this thread nearly 2 1/2 years ago with the terrible diagnosis that Toby only had a 6% chance of living two years if he didn’t have...
I would say the problem is more due to her going to daycare where they won’t have the time to supervise or train her. Can you find an alternative?...
Hi there I have only ever had dogs but if it is a few weeks after her last heat could it be a phantom pregnancy?
This previous thread may help. https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/lab-ear-lenth.10695/
Hi there It sounds like he is quite distressed with the jaw stretching and licking. Has the vet actually managed to examine his mouth properly?...
Hi I would engage a force free behaviourist to come to the house and help you with this sooner rather than later. In the meantime keep them in...
Hi there and welcome to the group. Having had experience of “nasty” spots I would be asking for a needle aspiration either at your vets or a...
Hi there be reassured that this is quite normal behaviour for an adolescent dog. If you put adolescent or teenager into the search bar at the top...
Your dog and mine could be related! Toby is now nearly 4 and things are beginning to get a bit better. When family or new people come to the...
At 4pm she had eaten at the vets and at home. A bit whiny but that is to be expected with anaesthetic. Hopefully she will bounce back tomorrow.The...
If you aren’t squeamish this what the roots look like [ATTACH]
She got a second opinion and surgery to remove the baby teeth set for tomorrow. The breeder said if she was local she would be taking her back to...
I thought I would update this thread in the light of some sad news. A friend’s 18 month old Finnish Lapphund was put to sleep this morning having...
Has anyone had any experience of this or is it only found in certain breeds and not labs? A friend with a brand new cocker has had this diagnosed...
She made it home on Sunday. After a difficult start with lots of crying she was “amazing” for the rest of the journey. Unfortunately her first...
So sorry to read this but what a lovely way to go.
Really sorry to read this. Take care.
Ha ha! Toby is more than enough for anyone! Thank you for taking the time to reply. I was hoping you would and it would be positive. I’ll pass it on.
I am asking this question on behalf of a friend. She is picking up a cocker spaniel puppy on Sunday from Hertfordshire and driving back to...