The only thing that helped mine was switching to raw using Nutriment complete meals and adding some raw veg for something to chew. With raw there...
I haven’t heard of this. Can you post a photo
My dog has allergies but nothing as severe as yours. The dermatologist we were referred to had him on an Anallergenic(not hypoallergenic) food...
Hi JoAnn Sorry this wasn’t the result you were hoping for. From what I know about squamous cell cancer in humans it isn’t the worst kind of skin...
I know two people that had two litter mates. One had her kitchen destroyed and they were certainly double trouble. The other ended up giving one...
Hi Joann so sorry you find yourself in this situation. The important thing is not to panic unless your worst fears are realised then find an empty...
Hi Has he been checked for Malassazia? Treatment for mine was a foot wash three times a week until cleared. Much better than giving medication...
It may go by a different name but will probably have Lick in it somewhere. Just make sure it has suction pads on the back.
Hi and welcome. Don’t forget to post a photo of your pup.
Birth weight is probably a better indicator than size now as she may just be getting to the food first!
It may be a reaction but should calm down soon.
Hi Zoe Welcome to this great resource Enjoy your pup and take lots of photos. They grow so fast.
You could try using a Likimat. Smear with something like peanut butter and stick it to a vertical surface. If you have it fairly high his eye will...
Most bite when they are teething especially but my most recent lab was a lot worse than the previous one. I don’t remember having any issues with...
You can never guarantee the health of a dog by the tests they have had but it goes a long way to helping ensure the breed continues to improve...
From my experience working labs tend to have higher energy levels and are a smaller leaner build than the show labs. There will always be...
The puppy training I went to used a leather slip lead. They aren’t mentioned much on here but whenever I go to a game show all the working dogs...
Great to have you back. Can’t believe that was six months ago. Maybe change your avatar if you can’t post photos.
Hi there I cannot help with the problem but if you have to wait a few weeks to see the vet you should change vets. Dogs often eat grass to make...