Total amateur at dog psychology but I would say he has picked up the vibe that your wife is in pain and doesn’t want to leave her. My dog will...
No sadly I have a very poorly friend to visit.
I give Toby frozen marrow bone and take it away once he has got all the marrow out. I tried him with a knuckle from Nutriment and was horrified...
Oh no didn’t realise it is this weekend. Thought it was in Sept. Hope you have fun.
I don’t think so
Hi there Yes we have been through the allergy testing stage. Toby’s dermatologist suggested food elimination first. The Anallergenic dog food is...
Ignore them and keep up the good work! I’m sure you know to keep exercise low impact in the early months to protect bones/joints. We started...
Could you put a carpet runner up the stairs?
She would do it because she wants to please you and be with you but not necessarily because she is enjoying it.When she is old enough if you can...
Has it always been like that or is it a recent thing?
This isn’t a response to her health but whatever you do carry on with the kennel club insurance as no other company will cover any preexisting...
I hate those group classes and if I ever got another puppy I would do one to one training. A force free trainer would not talk about dominance.
You can either join as a supporter and just upload photos or look at the technical section at the bottom of the homepage to use a hosting site....
Lungworm is contracted from eating infected slugs and snails. Make sure your dog stays away from them.
Yes agree get him checked out. My previous lab did that and had a lung problem.
Well that’s a tricky one. He was neutered at 14months and at 18 months was diagnosed with Mast Cell cancer. Someone on here suggested it was...
I did quite a lot of research about drugs Toby was getting post cancer diagnosis. FDA handout attached re Bravecto...
It does seem to be a thing and was the main reason we had Toby neutered in the end. He started to fight back when it was getting to be every walk...