Don’t get me wrong. I’m not being rude. I probably say No or Eh ! 20 times a day. Lol. But it’s easier than getting off my lazy but and directing...
In the modern dog training world the idea is exactly don’t train what you don’t want, you teach what you do want. It’s so simple yet so...
There’s always a bit of adjustment as the days get longer. I don’t know where you live but we experience this every year when the clocks go ahead...
Every time he lays on his mat reward with a treat. If he goes there on his own just walk by and drop a treat. Soon enough he will default to the...
Ours does it when he tracking or scenting.
We put up a Christmas bell on the door. He figured out in all of two seconds how to ring it to go out and the next day it went into the garbage. Lol.
I am also curious what the circumstances were surrounding your attack. Three week hospitalization is a serious event. And yes these happy go lucky...
You don’t have to change foods you just have to not give them as much. Cut out the extras and any treats should come out of the daily ration.
This doesn’t happen to us where we live in the country but I always thought if it did I would get Boerboel from South Africa and leave him in the...
It’s usually our fault this happens. From the time they come home that first day we get down on our knees and wave them in so they can jump on...
I think you first need to inconclusively diagnose that he really is resource guarding. It doesn’t sound like it to me but it is possible. Jean...
I think depending on where you live and what your main concern is dictates what product you select. A secondary consideration is method of...
What’s his body language when growling over the ball? He could just be enticing.
If you trained no to mean down you’d really just be teaching down and the word no would be the cue.
If the problem isnt solved the continuous shaking can turn into hematomas at the ends of the ears. Those have to be fixed by surgery. Hope you...
That can be caused by an allergy. Daily drops will clear it up temporarily but not cure it. Look into a food that’s for dogs with allergies or one...
You sometimes hear of Labs not wanting to retrieve over land. And you also hear people being to focussed on technique making the job not fun for...
Also remind yourself that labs really start to settle in around the age of three. Hang in there a few more months. It’s worth it.
And as for the growling itself. Don’t say or do anything except calmly back away. He is just communicating his feelings and asking for space.
My vote for pain. Get to the vet for an assessment.