Duggan is a tall and lean 34.5kg. He’s reached 36kg but currently sitting @34.5. Massive chest and he was 2 old years a few weeks ago....
Im always curious as to what our labs would do in an emergency. I’ve seen several simulations where dogs were put to the test and only one stepped...
After 7 months of restricted activity ( which is still in effect for three more weeks at least), Duggan went swimming.,.... yay boy. The Dr....
The first thing you should do that pays dividends regarding where to pee is as soon as you arrive home from the breeder, pick up your puppy and...
Good morning @Tony Adams. I was thinking about your situation this morning and wondering what your pups body language is saying when you hear her...
I agree, hard to tell if it’s over stimulation and excitement or early stages of resource guarding. Dogs will sometimes extend the guarding to a...
I just googled “bait dog”. That’s horrible, I kinda liked it better before I knew that that happened. People are sick.
It’s funny what becomes normal to someone. My wife is from SA and I have also visited there myself. I wasn’t allowed to go outside to smoke a...
Oops. Sorry @Boogie
I know of people who built nice sand boxes for their diggers then just redirected them to that as their designated digging spot. You can hide...
Something I never asked and you never mentioned was which surgical procedure are you referring too? That’s quite important to know to get a good...
The recovery in an older animal would not be gruelling at all. It’s all perspective and goes relatively quickly as long as you follow the surgeons...
The chance of the second one going is about 50% from what i understand regardless of whether or not you have the surgery. If the meniscus is torn...
I’m guessing Johannesburg SA. LOL.
I live in Atlantic Canada and there is a known dog theif who drives hundreds of miles of territory stealing the country dogs and then selling them...
Really interesting as I was just thinking about this the other day and was wondering if it had any effects as well. Could the look he gives me be...
Duggan had been neutered approximately 7 weeks ago whilst under anesthesia for his TPLO surgery. Since this time I have made several observations...
Anti muzzle here as well. We had the same behaviour but curbed it early.
Ticks are a major problem where I live and carry Lyme disease. We use a 30 day oral prevention. It is also flea prevention but focuses primarily...
I’d never let my dog swim with a lead on, especially a long one. Strengthening Recall is the best option.