Oh Pig, my hoomans had bad barking over the Total Recall book too, the he-hooman wuddent read it but also was an expert on it so they growled and...
Morning Daisy from me and Kipper in south west England :sun:
Yesterday was Kipper's second training session and my husband took him by himself so I could work (endlessly finishing a PhD:rolleyes:). It was...
Oh Frodo, you were only helping!! I am a helpful gardn dog too; my silly hoomans have put difficult chickin wire around all the tastiest bits of...
Eek! Thanks goodness he's shown no signs of eating them, but I'll always make sure we have a pair... A friend's friend had a basset hound that...
:) love this term! A late hello from me and Kipper, 8 months old and full of joy. His latest caper is to help me hang out the washing by quietly...
I think we might have fallen into a useful technique by accident, where my husband does the puppy training class (he just happened to be holding...
Really interesting, thanks @snowbunny - I can never resist looking up research, and this is great; teaching with acoustic guidance (TAGteach) has...
Love this, absoluetly spot on! Also as a side issue, does anyone find they get good results with grown up humans using these techniques? As I'm...
Hello @patw, and sending you much sympathy and support. Exactly as others have said, you've done a huge amount to find out all you can about the...
Warble flies usually bother livestock, but can occasionally affect dogs and are notifiable in the UK (your vet should tell the authories when they...
This (and the whole thread) is fascinating, thanks @snowbunny - sounds familiar with Kipper, he has spikes of anxious behaviour (if we sneeze :),...
Howdy from Kipper (8 months lab) and me in Devon, UK
A late hello from me and Kipper (8 months old and full of joy) in Devon. Sounds like you’re doing well helping Woody to settle in; all the best...
Thank you for this thread @charlie - it sounds like you and Hattie make a huge difference to many people, and it's a valuable insight into the...
Our breeder was about 2 hours away too, and we only managed one trip but they were great with sending photos, video clips and updates on the pups....
I'm a bit late on this one but thanks for raising it SwampDonkey; Kipper was flatter than usual in the heat (cooler this week thank goodness). I...
Eek - we had 2 bluetit chicks who tried to fledge last week, looked very similar...fingers crossed for your little feathery bundles... Ours...
That is interesting; I guess it also depends what we're doing, I tend to encourage a lot more so if it's something perhaps a bit more challenging...
I luff kongs too, but have never herd of all the tasty things like chikkin and cheez - yum. My favourite thing this week is corjet plants, I love...