I still have the scars on my arms from this stage. I cried ALOT. I also didn't like my puppy all that much when he was at his bitiest. I loved...
Yalom was like this. He was so excited about food. We did the same as others mention above, and now at 7 months he will wait before you say 'take...
Hi everyone, As you know, Yalom is 7 months old now. He was well socialised as a puppy and has always been very friendly. However in the past...
Thanks so much @LoopyLuna - these look brilliant. He always used to try and chew sticks so I'm pretty sure these will be a hit!
Thanks everyone for taking the time to read and reply. I agree with all of you that said you can't imagine training your dogs another way. The...
@Michael A Brooks - he's 7 months old, as I think you've seen from my other post, which I guess is still young for a lab. His assistance training...
I've been reading alot of articles and posts recently about 'traditional' training methods vs. positive reinforcement training and I wanted to...
Hi @Michael A Brooks. Thanks as ever for your response. He's a great dog and training together is the best part of the day. I'm not sure if I can...
It's been a little while since I posted now. Yalom is doing well overall. He's a friendly guy and loves training. To be honest I think we could...
Hi @Simon - the first thing I did was always have a toy available to offer him. They want to chew and bite and need something appropriate to do...
Our puppy was a horrific biter. I had bruises and scratches all over my arms and legs. You can probably find my post on here begging for help! But...
Thought you may both like to know that we had his initial assessment today and he passed (even though he was the naughtiest he's been for weeks,...
It was today, and he passed! Now he's officially in training. We'll be using clicker training, which is all new to us. Very exciting!
Hey @Harley Sue - about a month/6 weeks ago I was in your position (you can probably find my posts on the boards)! I followed @Michael A Brooks...
We have an in training band on Yalom's harness and people still try and stroke him without asking! Others do stop themselves though when they see...
Hey. Firstly - puppies are exhausting, especially at that age. I remember when we brought our pup home (now 19 weeks) he trotted happily into his...
Thanks @Michael A Brooks and @Jo Laurens - you never fail to give helpful perspectives. We met a couple of dogs today and although he lunged to...
Hi everyone, Over the past week or so I've noticed Yalom (now 19 weeks) has developed a new behaviour. He's started being overly interested in...
Today we found out that the assistance dog charity we want to work with to train Yalom to be a disability assistance dog has found a trainer in...
So one of my bad puppy owner confessions is that we didn't let Yalom off lead straight away. He's now 18 weeks and today we let him off lead on...