Her job in the session is just to be there. So for this client she was a comfort animal. This client has a young labrador so if Harley was to get...
Harley did her first full therapy session with me today. And she was fantastic. The client had given consent and is a lab owner, also Harley had...
We dont get any coverage of Crufts in RSA at all so I have found Youtube a wonderful resource. They even have the full days.
I know! I really enjoyed that she was so outspoken about it.
Is that the 10 month old? How awesome was that puppy?
I have absolutely no doubt how much hard work has gone into training the dogs but it was so much fun to watch because as @MF said the dogs look...
Harley loved watching this with me too
I know very little about gundog work and when this popped up while I was watching some Youtube videos of Crufts 2018 I thought I would have a...
And because I think it is important to understand the valleys as well as the peaks - I took Harley out for her on leash walk today and went a...
It was a penny dropping moment for me too when I realised that I had oppurtunities to 'reward' her with everything. Whether it is physical touch,...
Sure @Inky lab, it is actually one of Pippa's from the main site. https://www.thelabradorsite.com/watch-me-how-to-get-your-dogs-attention/...
I laughed so hard now! Okay, I am glad I am not the only one being cleaned by my dog. She doesn't do it to DH but he doesn't like her licking him...
Harley does this to me. Today at class she was getting a bit over the top excited so once she calmed I stroked her and she gave me a quick,...
Okay, so holey moley. I skipped the last two weeks of training classes. One week for a wedding and one for not feeling well. And I arrived at...
My entire journey with Harley is a brand new learning experience. My parents had dogs when I grew up but there were always more than one and if...
Catching up now. So glad to hear that Snowie is better but poor poor boy and poor you guys. Harley went through a period of very painful stomach...
We have been trimming our cats nails since they were 3 months old and came home so luckily we are not nervous and everyone gets they nails trimmed...
They really are pretty awesome. Thanks for sharing.
I am not angry, or upset, or emotional - it is strategic...that I think the trainer should yanked by a collar around his neck...everytime he says...
I am sure so much will change when you move into your own space. Something we learned from our cats actually is that some breeds are way more...