As everyone has said, absolutely normal behaviour for a lab pup. Harley has always been great at staying in her play pen, so at that age if she...
Cheese is still a powerful treat at class but has been significantly overtaken by sausages or viennas, as they are called here. We don't eat...
I will do some measurements when DH gets home. I have learnt that measuring Harls is a 2 person job. Harley is just too helpful to be measured.
So odd, we have had Harley's size commented on so many times. She is probably medium size but as you say there is always a larger labrador...
We are still the only labrador in the class. There is a Goldendoodle. But I honestly think that Harley and I are similar in nature. I am very...
Today was Harley's first class for 2018. Same trainer as end of last year it is made up of some dogs that have passed CGC bronze and silver all...
We call them labra-hamsters. Harley does contrbute to them but so do the cats. Her shedding has improved as she is maturing.
[ATTACH] I think I will print some for our neighbourhood
Someone said Batdog? [ATTACH] Shhhhuuuussshhhhh! You will wake them... my personal favourite is to do it with a Steve Irwin (RIP) voice over...
Today she went out to run some errands with me. I am quite cheeky now. If somewhere doesn't forbid animals I take her in, always on her harness....
Oh Kate, it is still so painful to me to read about Sam. Your love for him is absolutely beautiful. I was once told by a child that tears are when...
Like a few other people on the forum I struggled to establish my bond with Harley when she was a young pup. What really helped was going to...
Agreed. Not only does Harley insist on being in the bathroom with me, but the two cats too. I don't even know what this privacy thing is that...
Congrats @alschwahn! It only gets better from here!
DH and I are seperately guilty and together we are painful to others. Not only do we verbally vomit about Harley but about our cats too! But...
I can also chime in and say that I felt exactly the same with Harley. One of the things I liked about her as a pup, when we saw her with the...
I still get twitchy when I think of the crocopup months (and yes, I said months - in varying degrees) but what I have realised as Harley has...
I am really enjoying having more oppurtunity to spend time with Harls and the boys. I am finding ways for her to use her natural desire to carry...
Oh @SwampDonkey, I am only catching up now. I hope Moo has stablised and that she is feeling her best again. Sending you and her so much love.
It really saddens me that archaic and authoritarian views about letting babies or baby animals "cry it out" are still given any airtime. As so...