Hello and welcome! We are first time dog owners as adults. I was also completely (and still am) drawn to labs. And let me say here that we are not...
Welcome from Harley Quinn and myself. Harley is a 14 and a half month old yellow lab and she is going to be part of my practice in the capacity of...
Happy happy birthday Bramble! Beautiful Bramble!
I was thinking the same thing...Puppy: 3...2...1...jump for the toy!
I would say Nurture AND Nature plus a good helping of luck:)
Hi @Caro A your pup looks super cute. From my own very limited experience and from what I have read 12 weeks is quite young to be walking on...
What a great achievement!! Well done to you both!!:drink::star::star::star::celebrate::celebrate::celebrate:
Hi @Lozzz31, very similar to you we also had cats before Harley. We have two adult male Bengals. And although the initial months were not eventful...
Hello @Jennifer Helms and welcome to the forum. Our pup is now just over a year old and she can still get reallly excited with new people, or any...
@Sven This is so exciting! Vanilla is such a loved young lady that I know there is more than enough love to share:) With regards to her...
We are keeping a close eye @Naya. Luckily Harley isn't much of a bone chewer, she has enjoyed pulling the "stuff" off and chewing on the softer...
Training session 25 November 2017: Yesterday when Harley and I went to the pet store she was really great. A little excited to see people but 90%...
Oh my gosh - just catching up now. I have everything crossed that Bandit pulls through. Parvo is so nasty. Sending good and healing vibes. I hope...
And the spoils. The bone is an ostrich bone. Harley chose the toys herself. I chose the treats, they were on a high shelf. [ATTACH]
Thank you:$ She is a beautiful girl. I was so chuffed because when she gets over stimulated she isn't normally interested in treats, she is just...
We have just started this game in training class.
Harley and I went shopping for some toys, chewies and treats today. The staff at the local pet supply store is very welcoming of visiting pets....
What a beautiful boy!