Great news!
Hi Helen, I am just catching up. I hope, with everything crossed, that it is nothing serious. Give Hattie (and Charlie) a huge kiss from me....
Beautiful pup, I look forward to hearing about her adventures:)
As recommended by others I would wholeheartedly urge you to forward a copy to the breeder and the KC. There is nothing you can do to force them to...
We had Harley spayed at just over 7 months. Our vet was happy with waiting for one season but we were really paranoid about Harley getting...
Thanks Joy, I am very happy I made the decision to start classes with her.
Actually, thinking about this I have no business being annoyed at the previous trainer. I have all the access to information I need, I should have...
Training class 18 November 2017: Okay, so we are starting to hit more and more challenges. What is becoming apparent to me is that much as our...
I bought a box of 16 so hopefully, even if a few meet with an untimely demise, there will be enough
Thanks for the tip @MF. We received a box of training mats. Harley has been happy and comfy on them from the moment I put them down. And then I...
Saturday 11 September 2017, our third training class. I was really looking forward to class. I had put more time in with Harley during the week...
I haven't watched this one myself but from the video's I have watched on Kikopup's channel she always uses a clicker. [MEDIA]
I must also add that I am an absolute clicker fangirl :) I love the options it has added to my training with Harley and we have been able to work...
Hi @Janice McClelland, welcome to the forum. I am sure @Jojo83 and others will be along to further explain but in the mean time I could suggest...
Luckily my ears are the only ones she nibbles. But we did have a very embarrasing incident the other night. Harley loves to lick and because I...
@Jojo83 Harley likes to lick and nibble my earlobes (I know this sounds weird but she does it when we are snuggling), she does it gently though....
Sending you all love and support:hug::hug::hug:
Thanks Naya. With all the different cultures on this forum and sausage being something that is quite particular to different countries I am just...
When you guys say sausage do you mean like pork sausages?
Thank you for the replies! And the tips. Poor Harley, I have spent all her life with us trying to get a bit of space to save myself from being...