Welcome to the forum. As Jacqui says, you may well benefit from getting an experienced behaviourist's input on her issues. In the meantime, I...
[ATTACH] OH took Harvey to beginners agility. Harvey loved it, but OH found it far too fast. To be honest, Harvey did go at it like a bull in a...
Hi Jenny You need to really focus on Snowbunny's first point - never take anything away from your puppy. As soon as Bruno lets you have...
Surprised you haven't mentioned chips yet ;)
Thanks for coming back to give an update on DJ. I hope that the recovery goes well. Do stick around and give us further updates.
No, it has nothing to do with this. Dominance theory is out-dated thinking. Have a look here: https://www.thelabradorsite.com/dog-dominance/ and...
It may be hard but you should try to take it as a compliment! Your dog is full of adolescent excitement and energy and doesn't know what to do...
OK, so I was somewhat put off from posting videos on the forum (specifically for the Monthly Challenges that are ongoing) because of my ineptitude...
So sorry to read this, Kate. Keep fighting Sam.
The more cynical amongst us might wonder whether that is with an industrial-scale oven or a tiny campsite burner that struggles to cook a single...
Or the dreaded machinegun cues ... "Siiiit ... Sit, sit, sit, sit, sit, ... (5 minutes later!) ... Sit, sit, sit, sit,". Aarrrrggggghhhhh!!!
Sorry to hear about Pongo's sickness. Hope he is now on the mend and back to his usual, loveable self.
OK, stop. Take a deep breath. Count to 5 (quickly if you can't hold your breath very long!). Exhale. Repeat. Now, I think you need to adjust...
Incorrect behaviour = ignored. Correct behaviour = click and treat :)
Well, we contemplated 'Wild thing' and 'Highway to the danger zone' for his energetic side, 'Hopelessly devoted to you' for his eagerness to...
Like he and his owner have just stepped out of the Tardis on a trip from the 1980s ;)
I agree with the general consensus here. At the end of the day classes are a tool to do a job. If the job doesn't need completing right now or if...
[ATTACH] Harvey really, really enjoyed his visit from Emily. @Emily_BabbelHund he does chill!
At the risk of being considered un-British - have you considered a caffeine alternative? Coffee is the caffeine king. :-)