She has no signs of separatstion anxiety. We give her a pueanut butter kong when we walk out and I've snuck up on her when we get home and she's...
So now that Larks is successfully de-crated at 9 months, we have run into a small problem. Sometimes when we leave her home she will pee by the...
Larks absolutely love the water. We are working on retrieving in the water and I swear she would do it until she passed out! I usually make her...
Update for you all in case you were curious. Yesterday we left Larks un-crated for 40 minutes. I didn't shut her in a specific room, just closed...
I "think" I can trust her it's just so hard to know! And I realize things can be ruined even by an older dog, so there's no certainty or anything...
Hello all! So Larks is 8 months today and most of the time an absolutely lovely dog. She is VERY energetic and requires a lot of exercise and...
Larks doesn't splash her water around while drinking, HOWEVER she lets the water drop everywhere out of her mouth when she picks her head up! I've...
She does love to swim in the river, although we haven't been in a few weeks because parts are frozen. We did have a lot of rain last week and the...
Thank you! She's getting spoiled while she recovers ❤
Thank you! I know these things happen despite our best efforts it's just frustrating. Larks doesn't seem the least bit bothered by it so hopefully...
Thank you! It's just 6 days of deworming treatment so nothing too terrible.
Larks was diagnosed with Giardia yesterday. I know it's easily treatable and not a big deal since we caught it quickly but I'm feeling like a bad...
Thanks for the advice everyone! I will keep up with what we are doing and slowly work up from there.
I have been working on 3 whistle commands with Larks for about 2 weeks now. Come, stop/halt and lay down. Come is going perfectly, as is lay down...
This is exactly my experience as well! The sit at heal is going great but trying to move it to a distance is confusing for her. I'll try the ball...
Thank you! I will start with this!
I just picked one up today so we have just started. She learns quickly so she has "come" with the whistle well already. After a few days I want to...
I want to teach Larks to stop/halt on command but I'm honestly not sure where to start with it. I would assume get her to stay and work from there...
My puppy used to wake up at 5:30 on the dot EVERY morning, ready to start her day. I like to start mine around 7, so you can imagine that didn't...
Just wanted to report that the vet said to wait it out one more day as long as she was acting normal, and she is back to her regular self...