The vet opens in 2 hours so I will phone them as soon as I can.
Yesterday afternoon I noticed there was a pinkish streak in Larks poo and it was a little more loose then normal. She has had loose poo 3 times...
That was my first thought, but we use it in a bunch of different situations so I don't think that is it. When we have gone out today though I have...
So do you think maybe bringing the training back in the house where there are less distractions is where I should start?
Well, we have hit the 7 and 1/2 month mark with Larks. I was out in the garden with her last night (large yard in the US with no fence) and it...
That's the thing, MOST days my husband will be home by 4:00pm to let her out but maybe 1-2 times a week he has to work late. I have set up an...
That's a good idea. We have a mud room that I could block her in. I'm just a little worried that she will wait at the door to "go out" and be...
Hello all! Larks is soon to be 7 months old and is a full fledged teenager! But she is a wonderful dog and we love her so much. I recently had a...
Around 3 months was THE WORST in my opinion. Larks was so mouthy and excitable that it seemed nothing would stop her from biting. We consistently...
Larks came home yesterday afternoon after staying at the vet overnight after her spay. She seemed fine last night besides having too much energy....
Haha, hopefully she doesn't bounces back too quickly for me. I'm kind of a stickler for rules but I can't even imagine 10 days of only leash walks.
My vet does mandatory overnight stays for the spay so she will be monitored the first night
Hello all! Can't believe we are already to this point but Larks is getting her spay next week! The vet has already warned me that she will need a...
We are traveling to our relatives for Christmas with Larks (almost 6 months now!). We will be staying at 2 different houses during the 5 days we...
Exactly!!! We got a huge snowstorm today and she was running around eating the snow and it looked scary!!!
So Larks is just 5 months old now and teething like crazy. She wants to chew on everything (toys, rawhide, bulky sticks ect) which is fine but...
It is gross!!! She likes to snuggle up close to me on the couch but then she'll yawn and MAN it's awful!
Has anyone noticed a drastic change is thier puppies breath due to teething? Larks is about to be 5 months old and all the sudden her breath is...
Any ideas on getting rid of this behavior? She just started within the past week and literally nothing I do seems to keep her little tounge off...
I would also add, saying "no" or "down" to her right now won't do much, if anything because she has no idea what that is supposed to mean. I...